
Mornings with Caitlin of @fitfoodiecait

Just in time for the new year, we got the chance to chat with Caitlin from @fitfoodiecait! Caitlin shares wellness and lifestyle inspiration on her Instagram, and today she’s sharing her tips for incorporating wellness into your life- on your own terms.

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m 22 years old and I have a passion for inspiring others! From a young age I always knew I was meant to make a change in people’s lives. I ended up going to college for 1 semester and dropped out because it wasn’t for me, and that is okay! 4 years later I am so happy with my life & where I am going.

What sparked your passion for wellness?

Going through some hardships in my life definitely sparked a need for change. I wasn’t happy with my body and how I felt internally. I’ve always been the type of person to put everyone’s needs before mine. I finally changed that, focused on myself more, and get to inspire others in the process!

What does healthy living mean to you?

Healthy living to me means taking care of your mind, body, & soul! As well as creating balance into your routine. While eating healthy foods, moving your body, & being productive are all part of healthy living, having rest days and eating your favorite cravings are also important as well!

Describe your perfect day?

My perfect day would be - Wake up at 6:30-7:00 A.M. & eat a filling breakfast, journaling & daily meditations, workout, shower & get ready for the day, complete my day of work, go to target (who doesn’t love target!?), wind down for the day & do a little self-care before bed.

Do you follow a morning routine?

I do! My routines are what keep me sane. Every morning I wake up at the same time & do things like make a filling breakfast, journal, meditate, workout.

How do you wind down at the end of the day?

At the end of the day, I love doing my skincare routine. It puts me in such a calm & relaxing mood. Face masks are my favorite!

Tips for a good night’s sleep?

I always like to read before bed rather than be on my phone. Scrolling on social media before bed totally throws me off and can sometimes make me anxious! I always like to go to bed at the same time every night as well, to get my body into a rhythm.

What do you wish more people knew about wellness?

I wish more people knew that it’s normal and okay to not always have a productive day and be doing something 24/7!

What are your top 3 tips for moving towards a healthier lifestyle?

My 3 tips would be:

  1. set reachable goals
  2. create a routine
  3. move your body! even if it’s for 15 minutes.

3 bloggers/Instagrammers/change makers that inspire you.

3 bloggers I love & that inspire me are @foodieegirll, @thepositiveminds, @wholesomee.han

Anything else you’d like to add?

Stop worrying about what others will think of you and just do YOU!

For more wellness inspiration, follow Caitlin on herInstagram.
Caitlin has ourorganic sateen bedding bundle in white.

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